Introducing: River Peacock
Introducing: River Peacock
This year, we're excited to announce River Peacock will be joining the Wraptious team, following her win in the Autumn competition . River lives in Falkirk, Scotland, and runs her own etsy store selling beautiful handmade butterflies and art. Here's a little more about her!

What does a typical day look like for you? How do you organise your time?

What mediums do you work in?
Acrylic on canvas or linen, leather paints, Soft pastels, colour pencils, graphite and fur/fabrics.
What inspires your designs? Where do you get inspiration from?

Which artists do you admire or have influenced you?
Hannah Yata, Claire Henley, Stephanie Law, Amanda Clarke, June Feeney, June Urigereka, Matylda Konecka, Wow, they're all women! I hadn't noticed that before.
What’s the greatest challenge of being an artist?

Feel the fear and do it anyway, practice, practice practice and take one step closer to your goal every day, no matter how big or small.
What is your favourite piece of your own work and why?
My favourite piece of art is of Percy Peacock at the waterfall titled 'Let me take you there' It's painted on leather, just 30cm and is packed with detail and colour. It's my River Peacock

I've wanted to be a children's book illustrator since I first picked up a Rupert the Bear annual as a small child. Ideally I'd want to be the author too. I have so many books I wrote for my children just sat in boxes around my house.

Favourite quote!
Check out her beautiful new designs on our website: