Introducing Helen Stanley!
Introducing Helen Stanley

A big congratulations to Helen Stanley! Helen won our Wraptious artist competition in Autumn 2023; her striking, colourful lollypop design really stood out to us from the entries. Here's a little bit more about her, and her journey to becoming an artist.

Where are you from? I was born on the south coast in Shoreham-By-Sea, I grew up in West Sussex and spent a lot of time in Brighton as a teenager. I’m so lucky to have been brought up there, it’s a wonderful place and my mind was creatively expanded from the word go, by the seaside and the marvellously cosmopolitan nature of Brighton.

How long have you been creating art? Since I was born I'm pretty sure! I've always been creative, my Dad is too and his Dad was. I've had creative roles through my career so far, but in the last four years I've transitioned into being an Artist. I went full-time with my art after the pandasandwich (Covid), so I’ve been poor for the last few years

Which artists have inspired you? I have always loved Pop Art, particularly Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist and Roy Liechtenstein. Love is actually not the right word, obsessed! In the last few years I’ve honed my own style to incorporate this inspiration and add my own twist. It’s important that my work looks like mine. Stylistically I want people to see and understand the Pop Art connection but also see my personality in there too.

What materials do you use? My paintings are a mixture of spray paint, acrylics and graffiti pens, usually on canvas board and skate decks I have painted car parts as well, which I love. I also create digital sketches using my iPad and Procreate (which one of my tattoo artists recommended years ago). I’m creating from the minute I wake up until I go to bed. Then I’m seeking insight in my dreams!
What would your dream job be? I’ve worked in the fashion industry as a visual merchandiser, then I was a presenter designing/building custom cars on TV and now I’m a full-time Pop Artist. My travels and life experience are the inspiration behind my subject matter. Currently I do a lot of automotive art, which has come from my TV life. I would love to get my work into galleries and my absolute dream is to create some album artwork. I can’t create without music, it has shaped my life, so to intertwine music and with my art in this way, would be the ultimate goal for me.

What three things would you take on a desert island? My playlists on Spotify and my iPad so I can create, then a solar charger to keep those two things going! Also potatoes
Something people may not know about you? I love the paranormal! All things spooky - Halloween is my favourite holiday, I start celebrating on September 1st!
Favourite quote? “Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously.” Hunter S. Thompson.