Introducing: Charlotte Anne
Introducing Charlotte Anne
The winner of our Spring Artist competition this year is Charlotte Anne! It was a particularly lovely win - not just because her artwork is beautiful, but also because Charlotte has entered the competition every year since she heard about it. And this was her year! Here's a little more about her....

1) Where are you based?
I'm an artist, illustrator, surface pattern and graphic designer with studios in Cornwall and Nottinghamshire and I divide my time between the two. I started my career as a Graphic Designer and Illustrator and was based entirely in Cornwall when I started my own Graphics business, Flying Lizard Design.

2) What inspires your designs?
Life in the countryside has been an inspiration for my artwork, portraying all the wonderful things that the county and coast have to offer year round. In the southwest I get to see the dramatic winds and weather that the moorland has to offer. Secret coves and windswept beaches. A sense of ancient past, present and future. In Nottinghamshire I get open fields and countryside, stunning frosted winter mornings, huge open skies and gorgeous sunsets. I am very spoilt for choice when it comes to deciding where to base my next collection.

3) What mediums do you work in?
I would call myself a digital multi-media artist. I start with sketches and painting (mostly acrylics and watercolours), then scan those and manipulate them digitally. More recently I've started to experiment with paper cutouts as well, which probably shows in my more recent work.

4) Which artists do you admire/have inspired you?
I've been inspired by the work of a number of surface pattern designers including Hannah Dale, Anke van der Endt and Emma Shipley and book illustrators such as Maurice Sendak, Alison Jay and Ed Young. All of whom have combined to influence a style of my own.
5) What's your top tip for other artists?
I don't think I really have a top tip as such - I'm almost anti-top tips because I spent a large portion of my career looking at other artists' top tips and really, you have to follow your own path. I don't think that anyone should compare their work to that of others or try to emulate another's journeys to success because what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another - all that you'll get there is a load of frustration and disappointment. All you can do is focus on continually evolving, learning and bettering your own art, developing your own style, taking art courses to learn what makes a good piece of art. There's always more to learn.

6) What's your favourite piece of your own work any why?
I don't have a favourite piece of work! Every piece has its own meaning for me, its own life and everything is worthy in its own way. There's a place for everything!

7) What's your dream job?
This is my dream job! I always knew I wanted to be an artist and have a career doing something creative. I went to art college after A-levels and that's what led me to becoming a Graphic Designer and Illustrator. I love what I do and wouldn't change a thing! It's really hard to make a living just from art so I think most artists need something to bring sensible money in. I know lots who go into illustration or Graphics because you still get to be creative and the funds from contracts and commissions enables you to create your own work - art for art's sake as it were.

8) What's your favourite quote?
A lady called Michelle Lloyd, who runs a great online art community that you can join called United Artspace - her frequent saying is "Your art matters." The ethos is that no matter what your artwork is like or how good (or bad) you think it is, it has a place and it matters - it means something to you and to other people enjoying it. There's always a message behind every piece of art and every piece is worthy.
9) What's something not many people know about you?
Something not many people know about me...? Well there's not much of that since I'm a pretty open person but I suppose something my followers might not know is that I'm into steampunk. I just love to dress up in wacky steampunk outfits and go to fairs or conventions. Geoff and I had a steampunk wedding and all the guests got into the spirit of it as well so it was just fabulous! We even got featured in Rock 'n' Roll Bride because of it.