How To: Lino Print

Ever fancied lino printing, but not sure where to start? Wraptious artist Bells Scambler shares some tips and tricks for getting it right.
Step 1
First I sketch out my idea, then I draw the design on the computer using Adobe illustrator, so I’ve got a better idea of how it will come out. (You can just hand draw your design too, using a piece of plain paper.)

Step 2
I print the image out, then draw over the outline of the design. I use a soft pencil so that I can then flip the paper over on a piece of lino, tape it down, scribble on the back so the design transfers through.

Step 3
After I finish with pencil, I fill in the black colour parts in with a sharpie so it’s clear where to carve the lino away, and where to leave colour to come through. (The parts you carve away become the "white" spaces). I like to leave lines in my work, so even the white space has texture.

Step 4
I use lino cutting tools of different thicknesses for details in the lino. I first started lino printing at school, and the lino we used then was so hard you had to warm it up - but this lino I buy from a local company is much softer and easier to use.

Step 5
I then check the print using an ink pad, so I can test the design and make any changes before moving on to printing inks.
Step 6
When it looks right, I squeeze out some print making relief ink onto a piece of perspex, and use it as a palette - it helps me coat the roller evenly. I cover the cut side of the lino in ink.
Step 7
You can use the back of a wooden spoon to press the paper - I prefer to use a printing press. My dad made me this one - it's made from the runners of an old set of kitchen drawers, to create the sliding motion.

Step 8
I layer up the lino into the printing press, with felt and fabric to keep the pressure on the paper. I pull it through the roller slowly so the design transfers on to the paper evenly. And it's finished!

You can visit Bells' website at